Homology-based model of the structure of the catalytic domain. (A) An homology-based model for the catalytic region of Arabidopsis RNase E based on the E. coli X-ray crystal structure (see Materials and Methods). In order to build the model, the plant-specific S1 domain insertion was removed and residues Pro407 and Lys530 were joined together. The region of the RNase H and the S1 domains is shown as blue ribbon. The region following the plant-specific domain toward the carboxy terminus is shown as white ribbon. Residues Pro407 and Lys530, located before and after the plant-specific domain, are shown as green bars. Residues Lys546 and Lys552 (corresponding to the Lys106 and Lys112 of E. coli) are shown as red bars. The small domain of the catalytic part is not presented in this panel. (B) The modeled catalytic region of Arabidopsis RNase E (white) superimposed on the E. coli crystal structure from PDB 2bx2, chain L (pink).