A. Representative fluorescent images. Astrocyte cultures were treated with LPS plus IFNγ (2 µg/mL and 3 ng/mL, respectively) without or with 1 µg/mL TNFα and/or 3 ng/mL TGFβ1. NOS-2 protein expression was assessed by immunofluorescence microscopy 12 hr after LPS plus IFNγ as described in “Experimental Procedures”. TNFα and TGFβ1 were added concurrently with or 24 hr prior to LPS plus IFNγ, respectively. (a) LPS + IFNγ alone, (b) LPS + IFNγ + TNFα, (c) LPS + IFNγ + TGFβ1, (d) LPS + IFNγ + TGFβ1 + TNFα. NOS-2 (red) and DAPI (blue) images were obtained from the same microscopic fields and superimposed using Adobe Photoshop. Scale bar = 50 µm.
B. Percent cells expressing NOS-2. The number of cells positive for NOS-2 immunoreactivity is expressed as a % of DAPI-labeled nuclei (“Experimental Procedures”). Results are expressed as means + SEM; n = 9 cultures from 3 separate dissections.
*, significantly different from “LPS + IFNγ” treatment group.
#, significantly different from the effect of each cytokine alone (one-way ANOVA, Student-Newman-Keul’s, p<0.05).