Figure 4. Posterior blood precursor expression of glcci1 is not dependent on Scl and Gata2.
Compared with control MO-injected embryos, expression of kiaa0650 was virtually lost in the ICM precursors of both scl (39/39 gone) and scl/gata2 (18/18 gone) MO-injected embryos at 12 somites. Similarly, krcp expression was absent in the posterior region of scl (100%, n=38) and scl/gata2 (100%, n=18) MO-injected embryos. glcci1 was reduced but not absent in scl (100%, n=41) and scl/gata2 (89%, n=37) MO-injected embryos at 12 somites. Expression of draculin was significantly reduced in scl MO-injected embryos (100%, n=21) and scl/gata2 MO-injected embryos (100%, n=16) at 12 somites compared with control MO-injected embryos.