Figure 2.
Mechanisms controlling Rac1 activation and canonical Wnt signaling. (A-B) Rac1 activation assays in cells cultured in L or Wnt3a medium for 1 hr following infection of indicated viruses. (C-D) Western analyses of cytosolic (C) versus nuclear β-catenin (D) in cells cultured in L or Wnt3a medium for 1 hr following infection of indicated viruses. Cytosolic and nuclear signals were normalized to GAPDH and CREB-1, respectively. (E) Lef1-luciferase expression by cells infected with indicated viruses and culture in L versus Wnt3a medium. (F) Western analyses of Dvl2 in ST2 cells transfected with Dvl2-specific or control siRNA. (G) Rac1 activation assays following Dvl2 knockdown. (H) Lef1-luciferase expression by cells transfected with gene-specific or control siRNA and culture in L versus Wnt3a medium. (I-J) Rac1 activation assays in cells infected with indicated viruses and cultured in L versus Wnt3a medium. (K) Effect of wortmannin on Rac1 activation at 1hr following Wnt3a stimulation in ST2 cells. (L) Effect of wortmannin on Lef1-Luciferase expression in ST2 cells. Transiently transfected cells were cultured in regular growth medium for 47 hrs, and then incubated in either L or Wnt3a conditioned medium (with or without 20 nM wortmannin) for 1 hr before being harvested. In all cases, wortmannin was added 3 hrs before and during the culture in conditioned media. (M) Western analyses of PIK3CA in cells transfected with gene-specific or control siRNA. *: p<0.05, n=3.