Stratigraphic profile of the west end of the Gran Barranca, south of
Lake Colhué-Huapí, Chubut Province, Argentina, indicating
MZ levels, lithostratigraphy, stratigraphic nomenclature (7, 8), dated
levels, magnetostratigraphy, Simpson’s informal stratigraphic
terminology, and the Barrancan faunal zone. The profile on which the
figure is based is 0.5 km east of Cifelli’s (9) Section I. MZ levels
sampled for magnetic polarity stratigraphy, radioisotopic dating,
lithostratigraphy, and phytolith stratigraphy. Radioisotopic dates are
from this paper and refs. 11, 12, and 44.
40Ar/39Ar and
40K–40Ar dates are given in Ma.