Change in sea-surface temperatures in the South Atlantic Ocean and
hypsodonty in ungulate mammals between 39 and 19 Ma. Solid line,
foraminiferal 18O isotope data from K. G. Miller
(personal communication), calibrated to the GPTS of Berggren et
al. (18). Hypsodonty is expressed as an “Ungulate Hypsodonty
Index” (UHI), the weighted sum of bunodont (weight = 1),
lophodont (weight = 2), and hypsodont (weight = 3), taxa. If
all taxa are bunodont, UHI = 100; if all are hypsodont, UHI =
300. Faunas: A, Barrancan; B, Mustersan; C, Tinguiririca and
Astraponotéen plus Supérieur; D, Deseadan of Patagonia; E,
Salla, Deseadan; and F, Colhuehuapian.