Table 1.
Estimates used to determine parameters for decision model
Parameter | Distribution | Value (SE) | Source(s) |
Data for decision tree | |||
Prevalences | Dirichlet | Normal glucose tolerance 83%; impaired glucose tolerance 12%; type 2 diabetes 5% | STAR study24 |
Screening test efficiency | Multi-nominal | For type 2 diabetes: sensitivity 89.5%, specificity 91.3%; for impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes: sensitivity 59.4%, specificity 88.0% | STAR study24 |
Transition rates (per 100 person years) | |||
Normal to impaired glucose tolerance: | |||
<65 years | Log normal | 1.66 (0.08) | Baltimore study33 |
≥65 years | Log normal | 2.49 (0.11) | |
Impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes | Log normal | 1.96 (0.25) | 12 studies25-36 |
Time spent with undetected diabetes (years) | Log normal | 1.65 (0.68) | Harris37 |
Mortality rates (per 100 person years) | |||
45-54 years | — | 0.32 | DoH statistics (2000) |
55-64 years | — | 0.84 | |
65-74 years | — | 2.36 | |
75-84 years | — | 6.09 | |
≥85 years | — | 15.68 | |
Increased risk of death with diabetes (hazard ratio) | Log normal | 0.756 (0.087) | DECODE38 |
Increased risk of death for 1% increase in HbA1c (hazard ratio) | Log normal | 0.104 (0.039) | Rossing39 |
Intervention effects on risk of developing type 2 diabetes (hazard ratio) | |||
Lifestyle v standard treatment | Log normal | −0.646 (0.099) | 12 studies6 |
Antidiabetic drugs v placebo | Log normal | −0.425 (0.141) | 9 studies6 |
HbA1c | |||
Undiagnosed diabetes | Normal | 9.0% (0.056) | UKPDS40 |
Screen detected diabetes | Normal | 7.0% (0.028) | UKPDS41 |
Clinically detected diabetes | Normal | 7.9% (0.042) | UKPDS41 |
Utilities | |||
Undiagnosed diabetes | Normal | 0.788 (0.020)† | ADDITION34 |
Screen detected diabetes | Normal | 0.788 (0.020)‡ | ADDITION34 |
Clinically detected diabetes | Normal | 0.771 (0.035)‡ | UKPDS43 44 |
Costs* | |||
Screening tests: | |||
FPG test | — | £0.40/person | NHS (2006) |
OGTT test | — | £1.30/person | |
Nurse cost | — | £26/hour | Curtis45 |
Metformin intervention | — | £16.10/year | NHS (2006) |
Lifestyle intervention: | |||
Year 1 | — | £398/year | Avenell9 |
Subsequent years | — | £280/year | |
Undiagnosed diabetes: | |||
Year before diagnosis | — | £114/year | Gulliford,46 Curtis45 |
Years 2-5 before diagnosis | — | £22/year | |
Diagnosed diabetes: | |||
Screen detected | Normal | £2490 (53.3)/year | UKPDS47 |
Clinically detected | Normal | £2756 (63.1)/year |
FPG=fasting plasma glucose; OGTT=oral glucose tolerance test.
*Costs are standardised to 2006.48
†Constant for all time spent with undetected type 2 diabetes.
‡Starting utility, which was then decreased for each year spent with diabetes because of predicted increases in complications, based on UKPDS data.44 45