FIG. 2.
Mutant viruses do not revert. Sequence analysis of viral RNA extracted from lymph nodes 7 days after infection with Vko (monkey 886 infected with Vko [886-Vko]) or Cko (monkey 957 infected with Cko [957-Cko]). Sequences are also shown above the chromatograms. They cover the C start codon (shown in bold type) on the left side panel, and the RNA editing site (in bold type) on the right side panel. The wild-type sequences are shown above the left top panel (wt,Vko) and the right bottom panel (wt,Cko). Mutations are indicated in lowercase type. Relevant nucleotides are highlighted with colored asterisks as follows: for 957-Cko, inactivation of the C-protein start codon (blue asterisk), mutation to a stop codon (green asterisk), and wild-type sequence covering the editing site region (two green asterisks); for 886-Vko, an inactivated editing site (right side, mutation to G, black asterisk) followed by a TGA stop codon (red asterisk) and wild-type sequence covering the C protein ATG start codon (red asterisks), and the TGG tryptophan codon (black asterisk).