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. 2008 Jan 24;9(1):R17. doi: 10.1186/gb-2008-9-1-r17

Table 1.

Information on the sources and public access for the datasets analyzed in the paper


Dataset Population* Laboratory Public repository Accession number 1a,c; 2a 1b,d; 2b 1e 3 4a 4b 5a 5b
Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 data
Spleen CD8 DCs (2) MD/SCPK GEO [95] GSE9810 X X X X X
Spleen CD11b DCs (2) MD/SCPK GEO GSE9810 X X X X X
Spleen pDCs (2) MD/SCPK GEO GSE9810 X X X X X
Spleen NK cells (2) MD/SCPK GEO GSE9810 X X X
Spleen CD8 T cells (2) MD/SCPK GEO GSE9810 X X
Spleen B cells (3) MD/SCPK GEO GSE9810 X X X
Spleen CD4 T cells (2) AYR GEO GSM44979; GSM44982 X X X
Spleen monocytes (3) SB NCI caArray [96] NA X X X
Spleen monocytes (2) BP GEO GSM224733; GSM224735 X
Peritoneal MΦ (1) SA GEO GSM218300 X
BM-MΦ (2) RM GEO GSM177078; GSM177081 X
BM-MΦ (1) CK GEO GSM232005 X
BM-DCs (2) RM GEO GSM40053; GSM40056 X
BM-DCs (2) MH GEO GSM101418; GSM101419 X
Affymetrix Mouse U74Av2 data
Spleen CD4 T cells (3) CB/DM GEO GSM66901; GSM66902; GSM66903 X
Spleen B2 cells (2) CB/DM GEO GSM66913; GSM66914 X
Spleen B1 cells (2) CB/DM GEO GSM66915; GSM66916 X
Spleen NK cells (2) FT EBI ArrayExpress [97] E-MEXP-354 X
Spleen CD4 DCs (2) CRES GEO GSM4697; GSM4707 X
Spleen CD8 DCs (2) CRES GEO GSM4708; GSM4709 X
Spleen DN DCs (2) CRES GEO GSM4710; GSM4711 X
Spleen IKDCs (2) FH GEO GSM85329; GSM85330 X
Spleen cDCs (2) FH GEO GSM85331; GSM85332 X
Spleen pDCs (2) FH GEO GSM85333; GSM85334 X
Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 data
Blood monocytes (3) FRS Authors' webpage [86] NA X X X X
Blood CD4 T cells (3) FRS Authors' webpage NA X X X
Blood CD8 T cells (3) FRS Authors' webpage NA X X X
Blood B cells (3) FRS Authors' webpage NA X X X
Blood NK cells (3) FRS Authors' webpage NA X X X
Blood neutrophils (3) FRS Authors' webpage NA X X X
Blood pDCs (3) CAKB EBI ArrayExpress E-TABM-34 X X X X X
Blood BDCA1 DCs (3) CAKB EBI ArrayExpress E-TABM-34 X X X X X
Blood BDCA3 DCs (3) CAKB EBI ArrayExpress E-TABM-34 X X X X X
Blood CD16 DCs (3) CAKB EBI ArrayExpress E-TABM-34 X X
PBMC-derived MΦ (2) SYH GEO GSM109788; GSM109789 X
Monocyte-derived MΦ LZH GEO GSM213500 X
Monocyte-derived DCs (3) MVD GEO GSM181931; GSM181933; GSM181971 X

*The number of replicates is shown in parentheses. MD/SCPK, M Dalod, S Chan, P Kastner; AYR, AY Rudensky; SB, S Bondada; BP, B Pulendran; SA, S Akira; RM, R Medzhitov; CK, C Kim; MH, M Hikida; CB/DM, C Benoist, D Mathis; FT, F Takei; CRES, C Reis e Sousa; FH, F Housseau; FRS, FR Sharp; CAKB, CAK Borrebaeck; SYH, S Yla-Herttuala; LZH, L Ziegler-Heitbrock; MVD, MV Dhodapkar. Shown in the indicated figure in this study. BM-DC, mouse bone-marrow derived GM-CSF DCs; BM-MΦ, mouse bone marrow-derived M-CSF macrophages; monocyte-derived MΦ, monocyte-derived M-CSF macrophages; NA, not applicable; PBMC-derived MΦ, human peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived M-CSF macrophages; peritoneal MΦ, peritoneal mouse macrophages.