Figure 3.
Effects of the APN inhibitor PC18 on the AngIII-induced BP increase in anesthetized WKY rats and SHR. Mean ± SEM baseline BP was 180.0 ± 7.1 mmHg and 112.5 ± 1.7 mmHg for anesthetized SHR and WKY rats, respectively. Anesthetized WKY rats and SHR were given (ICV) AngIII (10 ng), PC18 (100 μg in WKY rats; 60 μg in SHR) or AngIII (10 ng) + PC18 (100 μg in WKY rats; 60 μg in SHR). (a) ΔMABP after the ICV injection of AngIII with PC18 were measured and compared with the ΔMABP obtained after the ICV injection of AngIII alone or PC18 alone. The numbers in parentheses are the number of animals; ∗, P < 0.05. (b) Mean ± SEM time required for a return to prepeptide injection BP levels. Mean ± SEM ΔMABP duration after the ICV injection of AngIII with PC18 was determined and compared with the ΔMABP duration obtained after the ICV injection of AngIII alone or PC18 alone. n = number of rats individually analyzed; ∗, P < 0.05.