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. 2008 May 9;8:29. doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-8-29

Table 1.

Categories and items for chart abstraction

Categories and items
1. Physical assessment 4. Asthma education
 1.1. Temperature  4.1. Review of asthma definition
 1.2. Pulse  4.2. Provision of an asthma action plan
 1.3. Respiratory rate  4.3. Verbal review of action plan
 1.4. Blood pressure  4.4. Review of proper medication techniques
 1.5. Height  4.5. Review of warning signs
 1.6. Weight  4.6. Review of asthma triggers
 1.7. Chest sounds  4.7. Review of control measures
 1.8. Oxygen saturation  4.8. Management and coping strategies
2. Asthma control 5. Asthma referrals
 2.1. Cough  5.1. Asthma education programs
 2.2. Waking at night  5.2. Asthma support groups
 2.3. Physical activity limitations  5.3. Specialists
 2.4. Reliever use with exercise
 2.5. Reliever use < 4 times per week
 2.6. Exacerbations (hospital, ED visits)
 2.7. School or work absenteeism
3. Spirometry 6. Medications
 3.1. FEV1 pre-test  6.1. Side effects
 3.2. FEV1 post-test
 3.3. FEV1 % change
 3.4. PEF pre-test
 3.5. PEF post-test
 3.6. PEF % change  Total number of items = 33

Abbreviations: ED emergency department, FEV1 Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second, PEF peak expiratory flow