Identification of a CaM-binding site on human CONEα.
(A) Sequence of the CaM-binding site on human CONEα
aligned with that on rat OLFα. The consensus motif of three
aromatic/hydrophobic amino acids at positions 1, 8, and 14 is
indicated. Boldface indicates identical residues between the two
sequences. (B) Gel-overlay experiment with
biotinylated CaM and GST–fusion proteins of the N and C
termini of CONEα. N′, N-terminal fusion protein with the CaM-binding
site deleted. As controls, the corresponding fusion proteins of OLFα
were included in the experiment. After the CaM overlay, the blots were
stripped and probed with an α-GST antibody, and the results indicated
roughly the same amount of protein in each lane (data not shown). The
calculated Mr of the OLFα and CONEα
N-terminal fusion proteins are 44 and 47 kDa, respectively, and 61 and
62 kDa for the C-terminal fusion proteins. The additional bands
probably represent degradation products. (C) Gel-shift
experiment with a peptide (KY17) corresponding to the CaM-binding site
on CONEα (residues 65–89). The peptide KY9, corresponding to the
site on OLFα (residues 62–87), was included for comparison. CaM (375
pmol) and a peptide in peptide/CaM mole ratios of 1, 2, or 10
(indicated above the lanes), plus 2 mM Ca2+, was resolved
on a 15% nondenaturing gel and visualized with Coomassie blue
staining. The leftmost lane contains CaM but no peptide. The arrowhead
indicates the position of free CaM. No shifts were observed without
Ca2+ (data not shown). (D) Dose–response
relation between activated current and cGMP concentration for wild-type
CONEα expressed in HEK 293 cells in the presence
(●) and absence (□) of 250 nM CaM,
both with 50 μM Ca2+. Results from patch-clamp recordings
from excised, inside-out membrane patches of the transfected cells.
Membrane potential at −60 mV. Individual data points from three
patches are plotted with the same symbols. Curve fits are according to the Hill equation,
I/Imax =
Cn/[Cn +
K1/2n]. The
K1/2 values in the absence or presence of
CaM were 19.1 and 18.4 μM cGMP, respectively, both with
n = 2.1.