Fig. 1.
Ap2δ interacts specifically with Ash2l in eukaryotic cells. (A) The transactivation domain (TAD) and N terminus of Ap2δ fused to a GAL4 DBD interact with clone 210 containing Ash2l fused to a GAL4 AD. Yeast were spread onto double dropout (DDO) and quadruple dropout (QDO) plates to check for the presence of plasmids and protein–protein interaction, respectively. (B) Schematic representation showing full-length and truncated Ap2δ and Ash2l used for the yeast two-hybrid and coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments. (C) Reciprocal co-IP of full-length Ap2δ and Ash2l from nuclear extracts from transiently transfected 293T cells. Immunoprecipitations were performed with the indicated antibodies, and complexes were analyzed by Western blot using HRP-conjugated anti-Myc or -V5 antibodies. (D) Ash2l coimmunoprecipitates with Ap2δ, but not -α, -β, -γ, and -ε. Methods were identical to those described in C.