Activity of purified MbSrc1. A, MbSrc1 (0.7 μm) was screened with various synthetic peptides (200 μm) using the phosphocellulose paper assay. The reactions proceeded for 20 min at 30 °C and were analyzed by scintillation counting. PKA, protein kinase A; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; InsR, insulin receptor. B, MbSrc1 (0.7 μm) was assayed with the Src substrate peptide (200 μm) alone or in the presence of pYEEI peptide (88 μm) or the Pro-rich peptide (200 μm) for 10 min at 30 °C. For the ATP reaction, MbSrc1 (4.6 μm) was first preincubated with ATP (0.5 mm) for 45 min at 4 °C.