Figure 4.
Phylogenetic analyses of the feline A3C and A3H genes. (a) Maximum clade credibility tree obtained after Bayesian phylogenetic inference with BEAST for the three large clusters of APOBEC3 sequences: A3A, A3C and A3H. Domains in two-domain proteins were split and analyzed separately, their position in the original sequence indicated as CT or NT, for carboxy-terminal or amino-terminal, respectively. Values in the nodes indicate corresponding support, as follows: Bayesian posterior probability/maximum likelihood (percentage after 500 cycles bootstrap)/distance analysis (percentage after 1,000 cycle bootstrap) parsimony analysis (percentage after 1,000 cycles bootstrap). The scale bar is given in substitutions per site. The domains within the A3 proteins can be divided into three groups of related proteins: A3H (Z2), A3A (Z1B) and A3C (Z1A). (b,c) Zoom-in on the maximum clade credibility tree obtained after Bayesian phylogenetic inference with BEAST, focusing on the Felinae APOBEC3C sequences (b) and APOBEC3H (c) sequences. Values in the nodes indicate corresponding support, as in the main tree in (a). The scale bar is given in substitutions per site. Figures above the branches indicate Ka/Ks ratios, calculated using Diverge. In some instances, zero synonymous substitutions lead to an apparent Ka/Ks ratio of infinity.