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. 2008 Mar 5;9(3):R50. doi: 10.1186/gb-2008-9-3-r50

Table 2.

Numbers of ESTs, transcripts, and loci

Kingdom Total ESTs* Spliced. Filtered ESTs Transcripts Loci§
D. rerio Animal 1350,105 556,175 76,066 33,338
T. rubripes Animal 26,069 14,197 5,890 4,988
B. floridae Animal 277,538 57,883 15,784 12,054
C. savignyi Animal 84,302 24,196 7,027 8,382
C. intestinalis Animal 686,396 334,137 31,794 15,108
N. vectensis Animal 16,619 6,206 4,609 4,294
S. purpuratus Animal 141,833 24,770 23,256 20,773
D. melanogaster Animal 532,557 242,235 25,241 14,965
A. aegypti Animal 303,409 120,523 15,878 11,389
A. gambiae Animal 216,617 95,607 13,511 9,835
A. mellifera Animal 78085 32,860 9,581 7,800
C. elegans Animal 346,064 219,812 28,438 21,304
S. mansoni Animal 158,841 55,392 14,494 10,137
R. oryzae Fungi 25,393 12,238 3,263 3,052
C. neoformans Fungi 59,041 46,693 8,173 6,361
U. maydis Fungi 39,308 11,236 1,289 1,109
S. pombe Fungi 5,574 843 274 269
S. cerevisiae Fungi 32,653 2,251 259 245
N. crassa Fungi 28,089 7,577 1,571 1,495
M. grisea Fungi 53,102 14,563 3,229 2,795
S. nodorum Fungi 15,973 5,925 1,637 1,537
A. flavus Fungi 20,371 8,495 3,004 2,772
A. nidulans Fungi 16,848 5,499 2,240 2,090
H. capsulatum Fungi 26,389 2,334 850 950
C. posadasii Fungi 54,217 30,604 6,769 5,296
C. immitis Fungi 65,754 32,162 6,484 5,133
S. sclerotiorum Fungi 65,884 30,203 4,314 3,704
D. discoideum Protist 155,032 46,116 4,687 4,246
P. trichocarpa Plant 89,943 38,299 11,462 9,377
A. thaliana Plant 1,276,692 350,380 35,856 23,412
O. sativa Plant 977,774 374,397 43,265 25,610
P. patens Plant 194,822 106,309 21,962 15,402
C. reinhardtii Plant 167,641 72,903 11,353 8,514
O. lucimarinus Plant 19,200 1,043 328 304
P. infestans Protist 94,091 17,381 4,762 4,104
P. sojae Protist 28,357 7,418 2,125 2,012
P. yoelii Protist 13,925 2,863 1,019 931
P. falciparum Protist 21,349 3,928 1,417 1,219
P. tetraurelia Protist 86,070 44,772 11,423 10,258
T. thermophila Protist 56,543 21,073 6,035 5,540
E. histolytica Protist 20,404 599 174 166
P. tricornutum Protist 89,139 14,576 3,325 2,937

*Number of raw ESTs before filtering. Number of ESTs aligned after applying our set of filters, containing at least one splice site (see Materials and methods). Number of 'transcripts' constructed from the ESTs. §Number of 'loci' (overlapping clusters of transcripts) (genes with 1+ splice site).