Table 2.
Numbers of ESTs, transcripts, and loci
Kingdom | Total ESTs* | Spliced. Filtered ESTs† | Transcripts‡ | Loci§ | |
D. rerio | Animal | 1350,105 | 556,175 | 76,066 | 33,338 |
T. rubripes | Animal | 26,069 | 14,197 | 5,890 | 4,988 |
B. floridae | Animal | 277,538 | 57,883 | 15,784 | 12,054 |
C. savignyi | Animal | 84,302 | 24,196 | 7,027 | 8,382 |
C. intestinalis | Animal | 686,396 | 334,137 | 31,794 | 15,108 |
N. vectensis | Animal | 16,619 | 6,206 | 4,609 | 4,294 |
S. purpuratus | Animal | 141,833 | 24,770 | 23,256 | 20,773 |
D. melanogaster | Animal | 532,557 | 242,235 | 25,241 | 14,965 |
A. aegypti | Animal | 303,409 | 120,523 | 15,878 | 11,389 |
A. gambiae | Animal | 216,617 | 95,607 | 13,511 | 9,835 |
A. mellifera | Animal | 78085 | 32,860 | 9,581 | 7,800 |
C. elegans | Animal | 346,064 | 219,812 | 28,438 | 21,304 |
S. mansoni | Animal | 158,841 | 55,392 | 14,494 | 10,137 |
R. oryzae | Fungi | 25,393 | 12,238 | 3,263 | 3,052 |
C. neoformans | Fungi | 59,041 | 46,693 | 8,173 | 6,361 |
U. maydis | Fungi | 39,308 | 11,236 | 1,289 | 1,109 |
S. pombe | Fungi | 5,574 | 843 | 274 | 269 |
S. cerevisiae | Fungi | 32,653 | 2,251 | 259 | 245 |
N. crassa | Fungi | 28,089 | 7,577 | 1,571 | 1,495 |
M. grisea | Fungi | 53,102 | 14,563 | 3,229 | 2,795 |
S. nodorum | Fungi | 15,973 | 5,925 | 1,637 | 1,537 |
A. flavus | Fungi | 20,371 | 8,495 | 3,004 | 2,772 |
A. nidulans | Fungi | 16,848 | 5,499 | 2,240 | 2,090 |
H. capsulatum | Fungi | 26,389 | 2,334 | 850 | 950 |
C. posadasii | Fungi | 54,217 | 30,604 | 6,769 | 5,296 |
C. immitis | Fungi | 65,754 | 32,162 | 6,484 | 5,133 |
S. sclerotiorum | Fungi | 65,884 | 30,203 | 4,314 | 3,704 |
D. discoideum | Protist | 155,032 | 46,116 | 4,687 | 4,246 |
P. trichocarpa | Plant | 89,943 | 38,299 | 11,462 | 9,377 |
A. thaliana | Plant | 1,276,692 | 350,380 | 35,856 | 23,412 |
O. sativa | Plant | 977,774 | 374,397 | 43,265 | 25,610 |
P. patens | Plant | 194,822 | 106,309 | 21,962 | 15,402 |
C. reinhardtii | Plant | 167,641 | 72,903 | 11,353 | 8,514 |
O. lucimarinus | Plant | 19,200 | 1,043 | 328 | 304 |
P. infestans | Protist | 94,091 | 17,381 | 4,762 | 4,104 |
P. sojae | Protist | 28,357 | 7,418 | 2,125 | 2,012 |
P. yoelii | Protist | 13,925 | 2,863 | 1,019 | 931 |
P. falciparum | Protist | 21,349 | 3,928 | 1,417 | 1,219 |
P. tetraurelia | Protist | 86,070 | 44,772 | 11,423 | 10,258 |
T. thermophila | Protist | 56,543 | 21,073 | 6,035 | 5,540 |
E. histolytica | Protist | 20,404 | 599 | 174 | 166 |
P. tricornutum | Protist | 89,139 | 14,576 | 3,325 | 2,937 |
*Number of raw ESTs before filtering. †Number of ESTs aligned after applying our set of filters, containing at least one splice site (see Materials and methods). ‡Number of 'transcripts' constructed from the ESTs. §Number of 'loci' (overlapping clusters of transcripts) (genes with 1+ splice site).