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. 2008 Mar 5;9(3):R50. doi: 10.1186/gb-2008-9-3-r50

Table 4.

Intron and exon lengths for controls and splice variants

Kingdom Intron density* Genome assembly size (Mb) Average intron length Average RI length§¶ Average intron length next to CE¥ No. of CEs with unambiguous boundaries# % introns >200 bp** Average exon length¶†† Average internal exon length¶‡‡ Average CE length§§
D. rerio Animal 7.2 1,547 2,940 130 3,485 903 71% 180 132 113
T. rubripes Animal 8.1 393 582 126 641 22 45% 140 119 103
B. floridae Animal 5.7 923 1,283 115 1,424 135 91% 151 124 111
C. savignyi Animal 9.1 164 710 87 595 20 82% 148 130 123
C. intestinalis Animal 7.4 117 457 152 544 327 76% 181 143 122
N. vectensis Animal 4.1 357 823 167 820 26 79% 165 110 90
S. purpuratus Animal 907 1,819 176 2,085 40 99% 174 141 133
D. melanogaster Animal 3.9 120 829 90 1,632 218 25% 279 246 167
A. aegypti Animal 3.1 1,384 4,614 106 7,752 112 42% 309 252 204
A. gambiae Animal 3.2 278 1,154 110 2,905 83 26% 286 236 181
A. mellifera Animal 5.4 454 1,171 107 2,969 98 40% 195 172 153
C. elegans Animal 5.5 100 259 84 497 176 30% 189 181 151
S. mansoni Animal 4.8 381 2,222 42 2,387 127 77% 179 167 130
R. oryzae Fungi 2.3 46 58 66 - 0 1% 201 161 -
C. neoformans Fungi 5.4 19 64 67 95 8 5% 228 179 56
U. maydis Fungi 0.8 20 168 134 288 5 18% 256 143 52
S. pombe Fungi 1.3 13 108 58 - 0 14% 309 102 -
S. cerevisiae Fungi 0.1 12 241 244 - 0 49% 596 46 -
N. crassa Fungi 1.8 39 115 126 171 2 11% 206 142 78
M. grisea Fungi 1.7 42 109 110 103 5 7% 238 160 64
S. nodorum Fungi 1.7 37 70 82 88 2 3% 257 178 17
A. flavus Fungi 2.3 40 76 76 76 1 2% 249 161 90
A. nidulans Fungi 2.8 30 74 87 78 1 2% 204 151 8
H. capsulatum Fungi 2.5 33 112 114 114 1 8% 227 155 25
C. posadasii Fungi 2.2 27 80 87 137 10 2% 395 289 81
C. immitis Fungi 2.5 29 80 83 89 3 2% 349 244 54
S. sclerotiorum Fungi 1.8 38 84 98 71 7 5% 316 213 56
D. discoideum Protist 1.3 34 145 107 252 3 13% 265 231 110
P. trichocarpa Plant 3.1 308 431 140 637 80 50% 204 125 103
A. thaliana Plant 4.9 119 180 118 242 138 23% 201 143 101
O. sativa Plant 4.4 371 462 134 725 299 46% 212 135 116
P. patens Plant 3.8 480 295 188 394 188 57% 220 137 113
C. reinhardtii Plant 7 118 264 148 376 30 56% 172 121 103
O. lucimarinus Plant 0.5 13 157 97 - 0 28% 437 135 -
P. infestans Protist 2 229 76 78 88 5 1% 214 146 92
P. sojae Protist 86 87 107 75 1 2% 213 147 111
P. yoelii Protist 1.2 23 179 151 157 1 25% 229 127 18
P. falciparum Protist 1.8 23 157 119 176 8 24% 189 112 113
P. tetraurelia Protist 2.5 72 25 26 - 0 0% 246 233 -
T. thermophila Protist 3.3 104 132 103 136 3 17% 234 166 83
E. histolytica Protist 23 72 62 - 0 2% 296 168 -
P. tricornutum Protist 0.8 26 128 109 - 0 12% 446 410 -

*(Number of introns in genome/Number of genes in genome), calculated from genome annotations. The length of the assembly used in our analysis. Calculated from constitutive introns in EST alignments. §Average length of RIs seen in our EST alignments. See Table S2 in Additional data file 4 for average lengths based on genome annotations. ¥Average length of the two introns surrounding each predicted CE in our EST alignments. #Number of CEs considered for 'Average intron length next to CE' in the previous column and in Figure 5. This excludes those CEs where the introns next to the CEs do not have identical boundaries between transcripts with and without that CE. **Fraction of constitutive introns longer than 200 bp. ††Calculated from constitutive exons in our EST alignments. ‡‡Calculated from constitutive exons in our EST alignments (excluding exons that cannot be CEs, namely, the first and last exons in a gene, and exons in genes without introns). §§Average length of CEs seen in our EST alignments.