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. 2008 Mar 10;9(3):R52. doi: 10.1186/gb-2008-9-3-r52

Table 4.

Details of representative functionally important fragments of FL8 enumerated using GO level 3

PDB (group number)* GO MF (EC number) PROSITE pattern Molecular function Functionally important fragment(s) (start: sequence (propensity)) P-value
1df9A (1) 0003724 ( - Dengue virus NS3 protease 132: PGTSGSPI (30) 4.17e-5
133: GTSGSPII (40) 5.95e-8
156: TRSGAYVS (24) 0.007
1e7uA (2) 0016773 ( PS00915 Phosphatidyl-inositol 3- and 4-kinase signatures 1 and 2 857: TESLDLCL (48) 0.02
PS00916 861: DLCLLPYG (23) 0.04
872: TGDKIGMI (29) 0.03
1tgj (3/4) 0005160 PS00250 Cytokines (repair of tissue) 27: DLGWKWVH (305) 0.04

*The chain identifier is given after the four letter PDB code, wherever present. Amino acids in bold either directly or indirectly participate in the enzyme function. PROSITE pattern: (33-48, VHEPKGYYANFCSGPC).