Figure 1.
Dynamic path models for the Dutch breast cancer data set. The top panel shows the thinned survival forest after selecting genetic interactions for which an indirect and direct effect likely existed. Black arrows indicate a total of 19 significant interactions. The thinned forest consisted of eight networks. A number of dynamic path models were fitted to different sub-networks of these networks: Each connected component, each rooted subtree (that is, each gene with all of its descendants), and each interaction separately. For ten models there was at least one significant indirect effect, indicated with rectangles of different colors. Below the thinned survival forest, the ten models with at least one significant indirect effect are shown. Interactions with significant direct or indirect effects are marked with red arrows. The plus and minus signs on arrows between two genes indicate transcriptional activation and repression, respectively, whereas the plus and minus signs on arrows pointing to survival (dN(t)) indicates that poor survival is associated with activation and repression of the gene, respectively. For each significant path, the average strength of the direct and indirect effect during the first five years is listed, along with a 95% bootstrap confidence interval.