Figure 1. Schematic of the Sckl4 critical region and the PCNT gene depicting location of identified mutations.
(a) Genetic map of chromosome 21q22.3 with the refined Sckl4 locus, defined by overlapping homozygous chromosomal segments in two consanguineous families, and extending over a 2.9 Mbp interval between SNP markers rs1598206 and rs2330591 (43,883,204 – 46,751,852, UCSC Browser, March 2006 Assembly). Genetic distances, Decode genetic map. (b) PCNT spans 122kb of genomic sequence in 47 exons and encodes a 3336 amino acid protein. (c) Sequence electropherograms of PCNT mutations. (d) Schematic of the pericentrin protein indicating position of identified mutations and protein structure. Pericentrin contains internal repeats (red), coiled-coil regions (green), and a PACT domain (blue). Protein structural regions as predicted by SMART. Sites of interaction with PKA, PKC βII and calmodulin indicated by asterisks.