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. 2008 May 19;2008:896451. doi: 10.1155/2008/896451

Table 1.

A list of some important molecular maps developed in wheat.

Map type/class of wheat Population used for mapping No. of loci mapped Genetic map length (cM) Reference
RFLP maps
Diploid wheat (D-genome) F2 [T. tauschii (TA1691 var. meyeri × TA1704 var. typica)] 152 1554 [25]
Diploid wheat (D-genome) F2 [Aegilops tauschii var. meyeri(TA1691) ×Ae. tauschii var. typica(TA 1704)] 546 [26]

SSR maps
Bread wheat ITMI RILs (W7984 × Opata85) 279 [18]
Bread wheat RILs (Synthetic × Opata) 1235 2569 [16]
Bread wheat RILs (W7984 × Opata85) 1406 2654 [27]
Bread wheat DHs (Kitamoe × Munstertaler) 464 3441 [28]
Bread wheat* RILs (Chuan-Mai18 × Vigour18) 244 3150 [29]

AFLP maps
Bread wheat* RILs (Wangshuibai × Alondra’s) 250 2430 [30]

Composite maps
Einkorn wheat F2s/F3s (T. monococcumssp . monococcum DV92 × T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides C3116) (marker loci-mainly RFLPs) 3335 714 [31]
Einkorn wheat RILs (Triticum boeoticum × T. monococcum) marker loci-RFLPs, SSR 177 1262 [5]
Durum wheat RILs (T. durum var. Messapia × T. turgidium var. MG4343) (marker loci-RFLP, Glu3B, others) 213 1352 [32]
Durum wheat RILs (T. durum var. Messapia × T. turgidium var. MG4343) (marker loci-AFLPs, RFLPs) 88 2063 [33]
Durum wheat RILs (Jennah Khetifa × Cham10 (marker loci-RFLPs, SSRs, AFLPs) 206 3598 [34]
Durum wheat* RILs (Omrabi 5 × T dicoccoides 600545) (marker loci-SSRs, AFLPs) 312 2289 [35]
Bread wheat RILs (T. aestivum L. var. Forno × T. spelta L. var. Oberkulmer) (marker loci-RFLPs, SSRs) 230 2469 [36]
Bread wheat* DHs (CM-82036 × Remus) (marker loci-RFLPs, AFLPs, SSRs, etc.) 384 1860 [37]
Bread wheat* DHs (Savannah × Senat) (marker loci-SSRs, AFLPs) 345 (17) 2300 [38]
Bread wheat* RILs (Renan × Récital) (marker loci-SSRs, RFPLs, AFLPs) 265 (17) 2722 [39, 40]
Bread wheat F5s(Arina × Forno) (marker loci-RFLPs, SSRs) 396 3086 [41]
Bread wheat DHs (Courtot × Chinese Spring) (marker loci-RFLPs, SSRs, AFLPs) 659 3685 [42]
Bread wheat* DHs (Frontana × Remus) (marker loci-SSRs, STSs, AFLPs, etc.) 535 2840 [43]
Bread wheat RILs (Grandin × BR34) (marker loci-TRAPs, SSRs) 352 3045 [44]
Bread wheat* DHs (Spring × SQ1) (marker loci-AFLPs, SSRs) 567 3521 [45]
Bread wheat* RILs (Dream × Lynx) (marker loci-SSRs, STSs, AFLPs) 283 (17) 1734 [46]
Bread wheat* DHs (AC Karma × 87E03-S2B1) (marker loci-STSs, SSRs, etc.) 167 (15) 2403 [47]
Bread wheat* DHs (Trident × Molineux) (marker loci-SSRs, STSs, RFLPs, etc.) 251 3061 [48]
Bread wheat* DH (Arina × Riband) (marker loci-AFLPs, SSRs) 279 1199 [49]
Bread wheat* DHs (RL4452 × AC Domain) (marker loic-SSRs, genes, etc.) 369 2793 [50]
Bread wheat* RILs (Chuan 35050 × Shannong 483) (marker loci-SSRs, EST-SSRs, ISSRs, SRAPs,TRAPs, Glu loci) 381 3636 [51]
Bread wheat* DHs (Shamrock × Shango) (marker loci-SSRs, DArTs) 263 1337 [52]
Bread wheat DHs Cranbrook × Halberd (Marker loci-SSRs, RFLPs, AFLPs, DArTs, STSs) 749 2937 [53]

*These are framework linkage map prepared for QTL analyses.