Schematic diagram of the GAAA duplex, as
characterized in crystals of the dodecamer ribonucleotide
r(GGCCGAAAGGCC). The phosphodiester backbone is depicted as a
rectangular tube and the bases as ovals (purines, large; pyrimidines,
small). The crystallographic twofold axis relating the first strand
(residues 1–12) to the second strand (residues 1*–12*) is indicated
as a blackened oval. Because of this exact symmetry only 6 base pairs
are unique, i.e., base pairs 1–6·7*–12* are the same as pairs
1*–6*·7–12. The 4 terminal base pairs on either end are formed
by standard Watson–Crick pairing, while the middle 4 bases form an
internal loop of nonstandard pairs as indicated by the boxing. Bound
Mn2+ ions are represented by circles.