Determination of p21ras-bound guanine
nucleotides from immunoprecipitates of normal and transformed NIH 3T3
cells. (A) Labeled cells were disrupted following growth
under steady-state (SS), EGF-stimulated (+), or quiescent (−)
conditions. Anti-p21ras antibody was used to
immunoprecipitate p21ras and bound nucleotide. Following
dissociation, nucleotides were separated using
polyethyleneimine-cellulose chromatography and autoradiographed. The
positions of the origin, GDP, and GTP are shown. (B)
Anti-p21ras antibody Western blot of
anti-p21ras immunoprecipitated cell lysates. Arrow
indicates position of p21ras. (C) Independent
additional clones of NIH 3T3 (clone 1b), RhPV 1 E7 (clones 3 and 5),
and RhPV 1 E5 (clones 1 and 4) cells were tested in duplicate assays
for Ras activation under various conditions as indicated with standard
error bars shown.