Brca1 and Brca2
expression are a function of proliferative state. (A) mRNA
expression of Brca1, Brca2, histone H2B,
and actin in actively growing (Act) or confluent (Con) murine cell
lines. Cell line RNAs analyzed were prepared from NIH 3T3 fibroblasts
(3T3), nontransformed mammary epithelial cells (HC11), or transformed
mammary epithelial cells derived from breast tumors arising in
transgenic mice overexpressing either activated c-neu,
c-myc, or int-2, as indicated.
(B) mRNA expression of Brca1,
Brca2, histone H2B, and actin in actively growing (Act)
or serum starved (G0) nontransformed mammary epithelial
cell lines, as indicated. mRNA expression was quantitated by RNase
protection (Brca1, Brca2, and actin) or
Northern blot hybridization (histone H2B). The 28S RNA band from an
ethidium bromide-stained nitrocellulose blot used as a loading control
is shown.