Expression of granzymes in LAK cells derived from
wild-type (WT), granzyme B −/−, and cathepsin G −/− mice. LAK
cell total RNA (20 μg), generated from WT, B −/−, and cathepsin G
−/− mice was analyzed for the expression of granzymes A–G using S1
nuclease protection assays. Equivalent levels of granzyme A mRNA in all
three samples indicates that all samples were similarly activated. Note
that levels of granzymes C, F, and D mRNAs are substantially reduced in
LAK cells derived from granzyme B −/− mice. These experiments were
performed three times, yielding identical results. Autoradiograms for
granzyme A, B, C, F, and D panels were exposed overnight. Granzyme G
and E panels were exposed for 72 h.