Electrostatic potential at the surface of three
alternative models for SIYRYYGL/H-2Kb (a–c,
Left). The large picture on the right is a superposition
of the backbone geometries. Positions of charged groups and
conformations of the peptides of the three structures are displayed.
The orientation is identical to the representation of the electrostatic
potential, with the N terminus of the peptide pointing down. The
backbones of the peptide conformations are displayed in bright colors,
the backbones of the MHC conformations in dull colors (yellow/brown,
pink/dark blue, cyan/green are used for the peptide MHC backbone
corresponding to the representations a, b, and c, respectively).
Charged groups of lysine and arginine are represented by blue, those of
glutamic acid and aspartic acid by red spheres. Positive and negative
electrostatic potentials are displayed in blue and red, respectively.