Cell growth and survival rate in the alveolar RMS
cell line Rh30 upon treatment with specific PAX3 antisense
oligonucleotides. Rh30 cells express the aRMS specific translocation
product PAX3/FKHR. ODN are directed against the translational start
site of the PAX3 mRNA. (a) Growth rate of Rh30 cells
incubated with different concentrations of antisense PAX3 (as-P3, solid
symbols) and sense PAX3 (s-P3, open symbols) ODN. Concentrations used
were 0.01 μM (▪), 0.1 μM (•), and 1 μM
(▴). Viable cells were counted every 24 hr for five
consecutive days. (b–d) Viability of
Rh30 and control cells incubated with increasing concentrations of
antisense (solid bars), missense (shaded bars), or sense (open bars)
ODN. The number of cells treated with lipofectin only is indicated by
the horizontal lines (dashed lines). Rh30 cells were treated with PAX3
ODN (b) and PAX7 ODN (d), control MRC-5
human lung fibroblasts were treated with PAX3 ODN (c).
Cells were counted after 5 days except for in d where
they were counted after 3 days. Results shown represent means of at
least three independent experiments each using three dishes for every
time point counted. Bars = SD.