MDL 28170 influences βAPP metabolism. 0,
Untreated K695sw cells. 200, K695sw cells treated with 200 μM MDL
28170. Lanes: 1 and 2, aliquot of total chase medium electrophoresed
directly on the gel; 3 and 4, 1736 immunoprecipitation of chase medium;
5 and 6, 192sw immunoprecipitation of chase medium [note that β-cut
APPs (lanes 5 and 6) runs slightly below α-cut APPs (lanes 3 and 4),
as expected]; 7 and 8, C7 immunoprecipitation of cell lysates (N′ and
N′/O′-glycosylated forms of full-length βAPP as well as the 10-kDa
C-terminal fragment are indicated); 9 and 10, 1282 immunoprecipitation
of cell lysates.