Control embryos (A–C) and
RA-treated embryos (D–F) in ventral view showing the
localization of rhodopsin mRNA expression by whole mount in
situ hybridization. In controls, the level of rhodopsin mRNA
expression increases modestly within the ventral retina during
development through 3 (A), 4 (B), and 5
(C) days pf. After a 24-hr RA treatment beginning at day 2,
staining within the ventral region is more robust indicating the level
of rhodopsin expression has increased significantly (D). Not
only is rhodopsin expression greater but it extends further into the
nasal and temporal regions of the retina as compared with controls.
After 2 and 3 days of RA treatment, the level of rhodopsin expression
is further increased relative to the controls and extends throughout
the ventral region as far as the nasal and temporal margins at days 4
(E) and 5 pf (F), respectively. The localization
of rhodopsin transcripts by in situ hybridization at day
4 in transverse sections (5 μm) in control (G) and
RA-treated (H) embryos. (G) On day 4, rhodopsin
expression is evident within the periphery of the ventral retina (V).
Weak expression is also observed near the dorsal (D) periphery
(arrows). (H) After 2 days of RA treatment, rhodopsin
expression extends throughout the ventral retina. Furthermore,
expression is considerably more robust and extensive within the dorsal
retina (arrows). ON, optic nerve; N, nasal region; T, temporal region;
L, lens; Y, yolk.