Table 1. Characteristics of Studies Included in the Meta-analysis.
Disorder/Study | Target Disorder | CBT type | Placebo Type | Sample Size (CBT plus Placebo) | Number of Sessions | Anxiety Measures | Depression Measures | Analyses | Jadad Score |
Bryant et al., 1998 22 | ASD | CBT | Supportive Counseling | 24 | 5 | IES | BDI | Completer | 1 |
Bryant et al., 1999 25 | ASD | CBT | Supportive Counseling | 38 | 6 | IES | BDI | Completer | 2 |
Bryant et al., 2003 26 | ASD | CBT | Supportive Counseling | 24 | 5 | IES | BDI | Completer | 3 |
Bryant et al., 2005 27 | ASD | CBT | Supportive Counseling | 57 | 6 | IES | BDI | Completer, ITT | 3 |
Borkovec & Costello, 1997 28 | GAD | CBT | Nondirective Therapy | 43 | 12 | HAM-A, ADIS-R Severity, STAI-T, ZSRA, PSWQ | BDI; HAM-D | Completer | 2 |
Wetherell et al., 2003 35 | GAD | CBT | Discussion Group | 52 | 12 | ADIS-IV Severity, HAM-A, PSWQ, BAI | BDI; HAM-D | Completer | 2 |
Foa et al., 2005 38 | OCD | ERP | Pill Placebo | 55 | 15 | CGI-S, YBOCS NIMH Global OC Scale | Completer | 3 | |
Greist et al., 2002 41 | OCD | BT | Systematic Relaxation | 167 | 10 | YBOCS, WSAS | HAM-D | Completer | 1 |
Lindsay et al., 1997 45 | OCD | ERP | Anxiety Management | 18 | 15 | YBOCS, PADUA, MOCI: Interference Rating Scale | BDI | Completer | 1 |
Bakker et al., 1999 46 | PD | CT | Pill Placebo | 67 | 12 | CGI-S, MSPS, PGE; Panic Frequency, Overall Phobia Score, Anticipatory Anxiety Score | MADRS | Completer, ITT | 2 |
Barlow et al., 2000 49 | PD | CBT | Pill Placebo | 101 | 12 | PDSS | Completer, ITT | 3 | |
Black et al., 1993 51 | PD | CT | Pill Placebo | 50 | 8 | CGI-S, CAS, Panic Attack Severity Score, SDS | MADRS | Completer, ITT | 2 |
Craske et al., 1995 53 | PD | CBT | Nondirective-Supportive Therapy | 30 | 4 | ADIS-R – Severity, ASI, FQ, FDAS, Subjective Symptoms Scale | Completer | 2 | |
Sharp et al., 1996 57 | PD | CBT | Pill Placebo | 80 | 10 | MADRS | ITT | 2 | |
Blanchard et al., 2003 58 | PTSD | CBT | Supportive Counseling | 73 | 12 | CAPS-2, BSI, IES, LIFE, PCL | BDI | Completer | 2 |
Bryant et al., 2003 63 | PTSD | CBT | Supportive Counseling | 38 | 8 | CAPS-2, IES, CCQ | BDI | Completer | 3 |
Foa et al., 1991 65 | PTSD | PE | Supportive Counseling | 28 | 9 | PTSD symptom scale | BDI | Completer | 2 |
Marks et al., 1998 67 | PTSD | CBT | Relaxation | 45 | 10 | PTSD symptom scale, IES | BDI | Completer | 2 |
McDonagh et al., 2005 68 | PTSD | CBT | Problem-Solving Therapy | 51 | 14 | CAPS-2, QOLI | BDI | Completer, ITT | 2 |
Neuner et al., 2004 70 | PTSD | NET | Supportive Counseling | 31 | 4 | PDS, MOS | Completer | 2 | |
Clark et al., 2003 73 | SAD | CT | Pill Placebo | 43 | 16 | ADIS-Severity, SPS, SIAS, LSAS, FQ-SP, FNE; SPWWS | BDI | Completer | 2 |
Cottraux et al., 2000 77 | SAD | CBT | Supportive Therapy | 63 | 8 | LSAS, QOL, FQ, SISST | BDI | Completer | 3 |
Davidson et al., 2004 79 | SAD | CCBT | Pill Placebo | 120 | 14 | CGI-S, BSPS, SPAI | 3 | ||
Heimberg et al., 1998 82 | SAD | CBGT | Educational Supportive Group Therapy; Pill Placebo* | 69 | 12 | ADIS-R-Severity, SPDS-S, LSAS, FNE, SAD, SPS, SCL-90-R-IS, SCL-90-R-PA, Impromptu Speech Task | SCL-90-R-Depression | Completer | 3 |
Lucas, 1994 85 | SAD | CBGT | Educational-Supportive Group Therapy | 44 | 12 | SPAI; SIAS; SPS, SISST | BDI | Completer | 2 |
Smits et al., 2006 86 | SAD | BT | Psychological Placebo | 38 | 3 | LSAS-SR, Impromptu Speech Task | Completer | 2 | |
Turner et al., 1994 88 | SAD | BT | Pill Placebo | 47 | 20 | Completer | 2 |
Note: ASD = Acute Stress Disorder; GAD = Generalized Anxiety Disorder; OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; PD = Panic Disorder; PTSD = Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; SAD = Social Anxiety Disorder. BT = Behavior Therapy; CT = Cognitive Therapy; CBGT = Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy; CBT = Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; CCBT = Comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; ERP = Exposure and Response Prevention; NET = Narrative Exposure Therapy; PE = Prolonged Exposure. ADIS-IV = Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule for DSM-IV 36; ADIS-R = Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule Revised 30; ASI = Anxiety Sensitivity Index 54; BAI = Beck Anxiety Inventory 37; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory 24; BSI = Brief Symptom Inventory 60; BSPS = Brief Social Phobia Scale 80; CAPS-2 = Clinician Administered PTSD Scale, version 2 59; CAS = Clinical Anxiety Scale 52; CCQ = Catastrophic Cognitions Questionnaire 64; CGI - S = Clinical Global Impressions Scale – Severity 39; FDAS = Four Dimensional Anxiety Scale 56; FNE = Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale 76; FQ = Fear Questionnaire 55; FQ – SP = Fear Questionnaire – Social Phobia scale 55; HAM-A = Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale 29; HAM – D = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 31; IES = Impact of Event Scale 23; LIFE = The LIFE Base 61; LSAS = Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale 75; LSAS-SR = Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale – Self Report 87; MADRS = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale 48; MOCI = Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory 44; MSPS = Marks-Sheehan Phobia Scale 47; PADUA = The Padua Inventory 43; PCL = PTSD Checklist 62; PDS = Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale71; PDSS = Panic Disorder Severity Scale 50; PGE = Patient Global Evaluation 47; PSWQ = Penn State Worry Questionnaire 34; PTSD symptom scale = Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale66; QOL = Quality of Life scale 77; QOLI = Quality of Life Index 69; SAD = Social Avoidance and Distress Scale 76; SCL – 90-R-Depression = Symptom Checklist 90 Revised – Depression 84; SCL – 90-R-IS = Symptom Checklist 90 Revised – Interpersonal Sensitivity 84; SCL-90- PA = Symptom Checklist 90 Revised – Phobic Anxiety 84, SDS = Sheehan Disability Scale 47; SIAS = Social Interaction Anxiety Scale 74; SISST = Social Interaction Self-Statement Test 78; SPAI = Social Phobia Anxiety Inventory 81; SPDS-S = Social Phobic Disorder Severity and Change Form - Severity 83; SPS = Social Phobia Scale 74; SPWSS = Social Phobia Weekly Summary Scale 73; SRT = Symptom Rating Test72; STAI-T = State Trait Anxiety Inventory – Trait subscale 32; WSAS = Work and Social Adjustment Scale 42; YBOCS = Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale 40; ZSRA = Zung Self-Rating of Anxiety Scale 33.