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. 2004 Apr 13;90(10):1898–1904. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6601785

Table 1. Characteristics of the patients (N=102).

  No. of patients %
Age (years)
 Median 59
 Range 25–73
 Male 54 52.9
 Female 48 47.1
Performance status
 ECOG 0 51 50.0
 ECOG 1 43 42.2
 ECOG 2 8 7.8
 WDA 38 37.3
 PDC 50 49.0
 SCC 4 3.9
 UN 10 9.8
 Locoregional 28 27.5
 Disseminated 74 72.5
 Supradiaphragmatic 30 29.4
 Subdiaphragmatic 29 28.4
 Both sides 43 42.2
Number of involved sites
 1 29 28.4
 2 31 30.4
 3 17 16.7
 ⩾4 25 24.5
Number of metastases
 1 13 12.7
 2 6 5.9
 3 12 11.8
 ⩾4 71 69.6
Main involved sites
 Supraclavicular nodes 28 27.5
 Hylomediastinal nodes 26 25.5
 Abdominal nodes 20 19.6
 Bone 31 30.4
 Liver 27 26.5
 Lung 22 21.6
 Ascites 12 11.8
 Pleural effusion 10 9.8
 Nodes/soft tissues only 42 41.2
 Visceral/bone involvement 60 58.8
Main symptoms
 Pain 65 63.7
 Gastrointestinal 30 29.4
 Respiratory 20 19.6
 Fever 16 15.7
 Weight loss >10% 9 8.8
Laboratory parameters
 Hb <12 28 27.5
 Any liver index ⩾1.25 × N 42 41.2
 ALP ⩾1.25 × N 21/95 22.1
 LDH ⩾1.25 × N 26/86 30.2
 CEA >5 36/96 37.5
 CA 19.9>40 25/84 29.8
 CA 125>40 33/69 47.8
 Any epithelial marker abnormal 62 60.8
 Any germ cell marker abnormal 9 8.8

ECOG=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; WDA=well-differentiated adenocarcinoma; PDC=poorly differentiated carcinoma or adenocarcinoma; SCC=squamous cell carcinoma; UN=undifferentiated neoplasms. ALP=alkaline phosphatase; LDH=lactate dehydrogenase; CEA=carcino embrionic antigen; CA 19.9 and CA 125=carbohydrate antigens CA 19.9 and CA 125.