Table 1. Characteristics of the 190 patients studied.
Characteristics | Mean (range) |
Age (year) | 55 (18–76) |
BSA (m2)a | 1.80 (1.36–2.44) |
Body weight (kg) | 70 (42–117) |
Serum creatinine (μmol l−1) | 87 (41–162) |
Creatinine clearance (ml min−1)b | 80 (33–167) |
Number | |
WHO performance status: 0/1/2/3 | 79/98/11/2 |
Previous chemotherapy | 141 |
Cisplatin pretreatment | |
During previous regimen | 115 |
On day 1 of topotecan treatment | 30 |
Calculated according to the Dubois formula.
Calculated according to the Cockcroft–Gault equation.