Effects of calmidazolium and KN62 on rebound
potentiation of Purkinje neuron current responses to bath-applied GABA.
Same experimental design as that illustrated in Fig. 1B.
(A) Calmidazolium (100 nM) applied prior to and during the
conditioning depolarizing pulse effectively blocks rebound potentiation
(Upper) (solid symbols, n = 6). For
this and the following three graphs, the open symbols represent the
same set of control data as that illustrated also in Fig.
1B, and the thick horizontal bars at bottom indicate the
period of application of the CaM-KII inhibitors. The application of
calmidazolium (CMZ, 100 nM) that started 5 min after the depolarizing
pulse had no effect on rebound potentiation (Lower)
(solid symbols, n = 6). (B) KN62 (3
μM) applied prior to and during depolarizing pulse prevented the
formation of rebound potentiation (Upper) (solid
circles, n = 7). KN62 (3 μM) had no effect on
rebound potentiation when given 5 min after the depolarizing pulse
(Lower) (solid symbols, n = 6).