I–V relationships
and ion selectivity of currents of oocytes expressing CLC-1
(A and D), CLC-2 (B and
E), or both (C and F).
(Upper A–C) Steady-state
I–Vs in ND96 (104 mM Cl). (Lower
D–F) Instantaneous I–Vs (open
pore properties) with different anions in the bath. Measurements were
performed in ND96 having 104 mM Cl (○), or in ND96 where 96
mM Cl were replaced by equal amounts of Br (□), glutamate
(▵), or I (▿). This leaves 8 mM Cl in the medium.
Data of one representative oocyte each are shown as a plot against the
test potential. (A) Steady-state
I–V of CLC-1. The current was measured
at the end of a 100-ms test pulse. (B) Quasi-steady-state
I–V of CLC-2 (measured at the end of a
6-s test pulse). (C) Steady-state
I–V of CLC-1/CLC-2 heterooligomers
(measured after treatment with 9-AC to block CLC-1 homooligomers).
(D) Instantaneous I–V of
CLC-1. Currents were extrapolated to the beginning of the test pulse by
fitting the sum of two exponential functions. (E)
Open-channel I–V of CLC-2. The oocyte
was held at −140 mV until the current saturated before 200-ms test
pulses were applied. (F) Instantaneous (equivalent to
steady-state) I–V of the heterooligomer
currents measured after 9-AC treatment.