Figure 1.
Comparisons of A. thaliana PRH-19, PRH-26, and PRH-43 deduced amino acid sequences. (A) Sequence comparison with microbial PAPS reductases. Amino acid residues identical to PRH-19 are indicated by a dot. Breaks in the alignment are indicated by a dash. Putative transit peptide cleavage sites in the PRH sequences are underlined. Conserved amino acid regions are indicated by shaded boxes, and other conserved single amino acid residues are indicated by open boxes. Sequences were aligned with the pileup program. Compared microbial PAPS reductase sequences are: asper, Aspergillus nidulans SA gene (ref. 17; GenBank accession no. X82555X82555); scere, Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 10197 MET16 gene (ref. 16; GenBank accession no. J05591J05591); thioc, Thiocapsa reseopersicina cysH gene (T. Haverkamp, G. Gisselman, and J. D. Schwenn, personal communication; GenBank accession no. Z23169Z23169); ecoli, E. coli K12 cysH gene (ref. 15; GenBank accession no. Y07525Y07525); styph, Salmonella typhimurium cysH gene (ref. 18; GenBank accession no. J05025J05025); anacy, Anacystis nidulans R2 par gene (ref. 19; GenBank accession no. M844476). (B) Comparison of the C-terminal sequence of the deduced PRH-19 amino acid sequence with other deduced homologous amino acid sequences. Numbers refer to the amino acid residues in the deduced PRH-19 protein and in the proteins being compared. Conserved amino acid residues are indicated by shaded boxes; highly conserved redox-active cysteine residues are indicated by black boxes. Compared sequences are as follows: PRH19-arab, Arabidopsis PRH19 gene; Pdi-rat, rat protein disulfide isomerase gene (ref. 20; GenBank accession no. X02918X02918); ERp72-mouse, mouse endoplasmic reticulum protein gene ERp72 (ref. 21; GenBank accession no. J05186J05186); ERp60-bovin, bovine endoplasmic reticulum protein gene ERp60 (Hirano et al., personal communication; GenBank accession no. D16235D16235); ERp5-medsau, golden hamster endoplasmic reticulum protein gene ERp5 (ref. 22; GenBank accession no. X62678X62678); ThiM-spiol, spinach thioredoxin m gene (ref. 23; GenBank accession no. P07591P07591); ThiF-Pisum, pea thioredoxin f gene (ref. 24; GenBank accession no. U35830U35830); ThiH-arab, Arabidopsis thioredoxin h gene (ref. 25; GenBank accession no. Z35473Z35473); Grx-oryza, rice glutaredoxin gene (ref. 26; GenBank accession no. X77150X77150).