Figure 7.
Transcription of ect-genes is delayed after an osmotic shock compared to other genes involved in the production of compatible solutes. Halobacillus halophilus cells were cultivated in mineral medium in the presence of 0.8 M NaCl to an OD578 of about 0.8. After harvesting and washing the cells were directly resuspended in mineral medium containing 2.0 M NaCl to an OD578 of about 9. The cell suspension was incubated on a rotary shaker at 30°C and samples were taken at the time points indicated. From these samples RNA was prepared and transcribed into cDNA which was further used as template in a quantitative real-time PCR reaction using specific primer pairs for gdh1, glnA2, proH and ectA, respectively. The values given represent the ratio between the value at time point X and the value at 0 hours. Measurements were done in duplicate with 2 independent parallels [62].