RT-PCR analysis of expression of CaPMEI1 and several defense-related genes in empty vector control (TRV:00) and CaPMEI1 gene-silenced (TRV:CaPMEI1) pepper plants 12 h after inoculation with the virulent (Ds1; C, compatible) and avirulent (Bv5-4a; I, incompatible) strains of Xcv (5 × 106 cfu mL−1). 18S rRNA levels were visualized as a loading control. This experiment was repeated three times with similar results. H healthy leaves, CaBPR1 basic pathogenesis-related protein 1, CaPR10 putative ribonuclease-like protein, CaPOA1 ascorbate peroxidase 1, and CaSAR82A SAR8.2