Figure 3.
The human (HSA) X chromosome compared to orthologous platypus (OAN), opossum (MDO), and chicken (GGA) chromosomes. All shades of blue are orthologous to the X conserved region (XCR) of the placental mammal X chromosome. Royal blue on the human X, opossum X, and chicken 4p were anchored to platypus chromosome 6 prior to this study; navy blue regions on these chromosomes are orthologous to unanchored UltraContigs in the platypus assembly; whereas pale blue is predicted orthology with platypus chromosome 6. Red is orthologous to X added region (XAR), and pink is the predicted orthology to platypus chromosomes 15 and 18. None of the X added orthologous regions were anchored in platypus before this study. The numbers of all unanchored UltraContigs (see Table 1 for list of anchoring BACs) are listed left of the chicken and opossum chromosomes, and right of the human X. FISH locations of BACs on platypus chromosomes 6, 15, and 18 are shown, and lines indicate orthology with the human, opossum, and chicken genomes. Some of the platypus UltraContigs have been broken up in human, opossum, and/or chicken. Vertical lines next to platypus chromosome 6 indicate that FISH could not achieve resolution between BACs.