8-pCPT increases ERK phosphorylation. Quantitative Western blot analysis of phospho-ERK immunoreactivity in hippocampal CA1 slices exposed to 8-pCPT. (A) Representative phospho-ERK Western blot depicting changes in immunoreactivity resulting from 5 or 15 min of 8-pCPT incubation, 10 or 30 min of washout of 8-pCPT (15 min incubation), and pairing 8-pCPT with U0126 pretreatment. 8-pCPT treatment led to a transient increase in phospho-ERK immunoreactivity that was blocked by pre-treatment with U0126. (B) Representative phospho-ERK Western blot depicting changes in immunoreactivity following 10 min baseline stimulation (vehicle), 5 min after HFS (100 Hz, 1 sec) delivered alone, and 5 min (HFS+8-pCPT) and 30 min (30 min) after delivery of HFS paired with 8-pCPT. 8-pCPT did not enhance the HFS-induced phospho-ERK immunoreactivity. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. The asterisks show significant difference from the vehicle mean as determined by paired t-test.