CDC5 is a component of the nuclear speckles. (A) NIH 3T3
cells were costained with affinity-purified hCDC5C antiserum and a
monoclonal antibody against SC35. Fluorescein and Texas Red-conjugated
secondary antibodies were used to detect the distribution of CDC5
(a, d, and g) and SC35
(b, e, and h),
respectively. Confocal images of cells in interphase
(a–f) and telophase (g–i) were
obtained and merged (c, f, and
i). Regions of colocalization are yellow in merged
images. (B) Asynchronously growing tsBN2 cells were
shifted to the nonpermissive temperature and costained with
affinity-purified hCDC5C antiserum (a) and a monoclonal
antibody to SC35 (b). The confocal images were merged in
c. (C) Myc-tagged Clk/Sty kinase was
transfected into NIH 3T3 cells. Phase contrast images
(a) of cells costained with anti-Myc epitope monoclonal
antibodies (9E10; b) and affinity-purified hCDC5C
antiserum (c) at 24 h after transfection.
(Bars = 10 μm.)