Distribution of PSD-Zip45 and group 1 mGluRs in the rat brain.
Sagittal sections of CA1 (a, b, and e)
and CA3 (c, d, and f) regions of
the hippocampus and of the cerebellum (g–l) were double
labeled with a mixture containing mAb 126H (green; a, c, e–g,
i, j, and l) and rabbit polyclonal antibodies
for mGluR1 (red; b, e, h, and i) or
mGluR5 (red; d, f, k, and l). e,
f, i, and l are superimposed images. Scale
bars = 50 μm (a–d, g, h, j, and
k), 10 μm (e, f, i, and