Expression of MIS type II receptor promoter/luciferase reporter in
R2C cells. The 1.6-kb MISRII promoter and smaller fragments were placed
in front of the firefly luciferase gene and used to measure their
ability to drive luciferase expression when transfected into R2C cells.
The MISRII promoter is schematically drawn above the represented
promoter fragments to indicate the footprinted regions of the promoter,
which are shown with black boxes and, when recognized by sequence
analysis, the sites were labeled with their cognate transcription
factor. The numbers shown indicate the number of base pairs from the
transcription initiation site, which is indicated with an arrow. The
fragments used in the transfection experiments are represented as
shaded bars, and the relative size of each is shown with their names.
Cells were transfected with the indicated plasmids in triplicate and
the average-fold increase over the promoterless parental vector of four
different experiments is plotted to the right of each with error bars
representing SEM. Luciferase activity from each of the
promoter/reporter plasmids was measured and normalized for
transfection efficiency with the activity of a cotransfected thymidine
kinase promoter/Renilla luciferase reporter.