(A) Geometric mean (90% CI) plasma ATV concentration-time curves, at steady state, of HIV-1-infected adult patients taking either ATV at 300 mg QD plus LPV and RTV at 400 and 100 mg BID (n = 17) or ATV and RTV at 300 and 100 mg QD plus NRTI (n = 17). Patient pairs were matched for sex, age, ethnicity, and body weight. LPV/r, LPV-RTV gel capsule formulation. (B) Geometric mean (90% CI) plasma LPV concentration-time curves, at steady state, of HIV-1-infected adult patients taking either ATV at 300 mg QD plus LPV and RTV at 400 and 100 mg BID (n = 17) or LPV and RTV at 400 and 100 mg QD plus NRTI (n = 17). Patient pairs were matched for sex, age, ethnicity, and body weight. LPV/r, LPV-RTV gel capsule formulation.