Southern analysis of 10 μg of genomic DNA of DCPC21 PCT cells
(“DCPC”) and normal spleen cells (“normal”). The same blot
was hybridized with c-myc (a), the 5′
flanking region of c-myc (JQ2) (b),
pvt-1 (c), and IgH (pJ11)
(d). Note that c-myc and
pvt-1 show germ-line hybridization signals (lanes 1–4,
respectively), whereas JQ2 and pJ11 (lanes 3 and 4, respectively)
indicate rearrangements (for details, see text). The stronger
hybridization intensity of the c-myc and
pvt-1 signals (lanes 3 and 4, a and
c, respectively) is consistent with the duplicated D2
band in chromosome 15 and the additional c-myc copies of
the other 15 chromosomes (Fig. 1a).