Go −/− mice have smaller glomeruli in the posterior
AOB. (a) P15 AOB parasagittal sections were stained with
anti-synaptophysin or anti-MAP2 antibodies. The following areas of the
AOB are indicated: vomeronasal nerve layer (VN), glomerular layer (GL),
mitral and tufted cell layer (MT), anterior (Ant), posterior (Post),
and the border of the two AOB lobes (arrowheads). In the Go
−/− sections, the posterior GL is reduced in area, but the staining
characteristics of different layers are normal. (Bar = 100 μm.)
(b) The area of the anterior and posterior AOB-GL
revealed by anti-synaptophysin staining was quantitated in mid AOB
sections from P15 mice. The area of the posterior AOB-GL is
significantly decreased in the Go −/− mice (*,
P ≤ 0.05, Student’s two-tailed t
test). The data are means ± SEM from 5–8 animals in each group.
(c) Glomerular structures are visualized by double
staining of P15 posterior AOB parasagittal sections with
anti-synaptophysin antibody (red) and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole
(blue). In the control samples, glomeruli are diffuse and large. In the
Go −/− samples, the posterior GL layer has glomeruli of
reduced area, but the total number is similar to that of controls. (Bar
is 50 μm.)