Time course of ligand-induced internalization of AMPARs.
(A) Cultured neurons were surface labeled with
anti-GluR1 antibody, treated with 100 μM AMPA for 0, 1, 5, and 15
min, then immediately chilled on ice, and analyzed for AMPAR
internalization by using the acid-strip procedure. Minimal AMPAR
internalization is detected until 5 min of AMPA exposure.
(B) Internalization of AMPARs can be initiated within 1
min after ligand-induced activation. Cells were incubated in the
presence of 100 μM AMPA for 1 min or 5 min and then analyzed by using
the acid-strip procedure either immediately (first and third panels) or
after agonist washout and chase incubation in the presence of CNQX and
d-APV for a total of 15 min (second and fourth panels).