Ligand-induced internalization of AMPARs is dynamin-dependent.
HA-tagged wild-type or K44A mutant dynamin−2 were expressed in
hippocampal cells via adenovirus-mediated transfection. Neurons were
then examined for AMPAR internalization. (A) Micrographs
showing the specific inhibition of AMPAR internalization caused by K44A
mutant dynamin. The top two rows illustrate cells in which AMPAR
internalization was induced by 100 μM AMPA for 15 min, conditions
that induce NMDAR-independent internalization of AMPARs. The bottom two
rows illustrate the same experiment conducted with the pulse–chase
protocol with 10 μM glutamate applied for 1 min, conditions that
reveal NMDAR-dependent internalization of AMPARs. In each set of
panels, expression of HA-tagged dynamin constructs is indicated (HA),
and internalized AMPARs detected in the same cells are shown (GluR1).
With either protocol, substantial internalization of AMPARs was
observed in cells not expressing mutant dynamin (Left,
Untrans; arrow indicates neuron that has no detectable HA-tagged
dynamin expression) or in neurons expressing HA-tagged wild-type
dynamin−2 (Center, Wt dyn-2). In contrast, in cells
expressing K44A mutant dynamin−2 (Right, K44A dyn-2,
arrowhead), internalization of AMPARs was strongly inhibited.
(B) Quantitation of AMPAR internalization induced by
both ligand-activation protocols (n = 8 for AMPA
application and n = 15 for glutamate