Figure 1.
Map-based cloning of the bacterial spot resistance gene Bs2 from pepper. (A) Contig of the three ECW-123R pepper library YAC clones (YCA80H11, YCA22D8, and YCA92F5) that span the Bs2 locus. (B) Contig of cosmid clones (C17-C22) that span the Bs2 region from the YAC contig. This region was sequenced. Arrows show ORFs and direction of transcription for Bs2, Prlk1, Tam (homologous to transposon TAM), and Ret (homologous to retrotransposons). (C) Bs2 transcript before splicing. (D) Bs2 ORF with deletion of untranslated upstream sequences and 27-kb intron that was used in 35S:Bs2 promoter constructs.