Transgenic complementation identifies Y39G10AR.5 as zeel-1. Embryonic lethality was scored in three crosses: selfing F1 hermaphrodites carrying the transgene, Hawaii hermaphrodites x F1 males carrying the transgene, and Hawaii hermaphrodites carrying the transgene x F1 males. Orange and blue bars designate Bristol and Hawaii haplotypes, respectively. Diagonal segments represent transgenes. Within crosses, each circle represents the result for an independent transgenic line (n/d, not determined). For each result, we scored at least 50 embryos, typically 200−300. Filled circles mark results showing a significant reduction in lethality (χ2 one-sided P < 0.005). Most transgenes were not integrated and were therefore not transmitted to all progeny. Arrows designate the single integrated line. In the male backcross with maternal transgene inheritance, where the integrated transgene was transmitted to all progeny, embryonic lethality was 4% (n = 298).