Scherk surface obtained by numerically integrating the reaction-diffusion Brusselator model with A = 4.5, DX = 2, DY = 16, and B = 7.2 in a box of sizes lx = ly = 60, lz = 30. Periodic boundary conditions are applied along x and y while no-flux conditions are imposed in the z direction. To have a better visualization of the saddles region, typical of the Scherk surface, we zoom in on half the system. The representation is then lx = ly = lz = 30 with lz being on the vertical axis. The drawn isoconcentration surface corresponds to X = 4.5, the concentration of the uniform unstable reference state. The Scherk surface joins two orthogonal sets of three planes, one set being the x = constant planes while the other set is the y = constant planes.